MrD's Journal

MrD's Journal


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27 entries this month

11:32 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 499

I haven't been evolving, I've been devolving into a bore. This morning I woke up.




15:41 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 525

The night before last my father came in to talk with me, and I couldn't understand what he was saying. His words were all jumbled up and he was slurring all over the place. I knew exactly what the problem was. He and I once worked at a factory together just a few years back, and one day he started feeling strange and losing his ability to move and speak fluidly - he was having a stroke. I drove him to the hospital, and all was validated. This time was different.

I got him to the hospital, and the news has not been great ever since then. The testing indicates that he has severe arterial blockage on both sides of the neck, extending into the skull. They are saying that they cannot operate. I don't know what is going to happen. His is unconscious right now, via sedation, and we are waiting for the results of the second MRI.

This entry is not calling for sympathy responses, and I would rather no one respond to it in general.

Those of you who want to wish me a happy birthday can do something else for me instead. In your minds, have the best wishes in mind for my Dad. He deserves another chance, and I want another chance to be a better son than I have been. If you pray to someone, please do so. We really need all the advantage in this situation that we can get.




05:02 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 551

And it just happened. I'm ancient.



05:03 Apr 26 2012

Now I feel old.... XD

05:03 Apr 26 2012

Happy birthday!

05:05 Apr 26 2012

Happy Birthday. :)

05:09 Apr 26 2012

No worries, it still hasn't happened yet on Central Time :P

Happy Birthday :)


06:29 Apr 20 2012
Times Read: 597

It has been nearly two years since she left, and I still sometimes forget she's gone in my dreams.

I'll have a simple dream about her, you know, places we went or things we would talk about. And at some point I wake up, and half asleep, like every time I had a bad dream back then, and I find myself reaching across the bed for her. About mid-reach, my hand hand just freezes, and I realize what it is I'm doing. My brain, in response to being lonely, is playing tricks on me. She'll never again be there when I wake up, and I know that. So why does my mind choose to haunt me with that image? Likely, the answer is obvious, but it really can't matter can it? The same thing happened to me when Maria left me. It lasted for years.

I really miss waking up to someone, or being able to fall asleep to their breathing. Sky used to do this thing where she would curl up into you like a kitten while she slept. I used to call her that a lot, but I don't remember if I ever even told her why. It'a so easy to take having someone there for granted. I did it, twice. But I've learned this lesson very well, and the next time, I won't let it happen again.

That person laying across from you tonight, if you're lucky enough to have one there that'll be there the next night as well - that's gold. Treat it as such. I've lost everything I ever had at one time or another because I wasn't paying attention. So you pay attention, and don't have regrets that follow you into your dreams.



09:34 Apr 23 2012

Sound advice and a hard lesson to learn.


06:05 Apr 20 2012
Times Read: 605

This weekend I'll be in the Windy City again. I think I'm going to spend most of it just sitting on the lake shore and reflecting on what I need to be doing to get everything in motion. I need to sharpen my focus, and find ways to create more time for my projects. This past two weeks I've had rarely any satisfying times.

I really miss Ann Arbor a lot. I miss my friends, the places, the way it all smells, the tall trees, and I even miss dirty old Detroit. I tried to create fun here, but the people and places, no matter how much I utilize focused delusions to convince me otherwise, just have the wrong vibration. It's like my spirit is being robbed every time I walk outside.

My birthday is just days away now, and I'm thinking about spending it in Ann Arbor, and it really only seems right. I will go back one day, but even if I do, I fear there will be nothing there for me except my love of the place. For a few years at least, it'll be Chicago.





02:30 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 606




04:55 Apr 16 2012
Times Read: 641



00:00 Apr 15 2012
Times Read: 665

Ok, jumping on cam again for the second time. We'll see if people throw rotten vegetables.



00:03 Apr 15 2012

Stop with that, sir!

01:09 Apr 15 2012

can I throw good veggies? lol

06:18 Apr 20 2012

I hopped on my cam for the first time last night. Buying a mask seems like a good idea. I felt SO exposed.


22:59 Apr 14 2012
Times Read: 678

I know that what I build now is a substitution. Not a rebirth, but a forgery. No matter how deeply I bury these bones, my recollections of the ones who walked away, I'm forever the necrophile that will raise them again when weakness strikes. No flesh, just smoke and mirrors.

Making love to shadows now and forever.




15:18 Apr 14 2012
Times Read: 708

So last night was my first on Rave webcam. It was a odd experience, and I'm not sure I'll ever get used to talking to people that I can't see, full well knowing that they can see me.

I plan to jump on again this evening. Between that, and doing what I can to respond to forum threads - I've only responded to two thus far - I consider it my small attempt at reintroducing myself to the site.

Also, I need the practice. Soon, I'll be uploading YouTube videos, and plan on doing live question and answer sessions.



15:22 Apr 14 2012

Well damn, I missed it. I'll try to be around tonight to check in.

15:24 Apr 14 2012

^ What she said ^

17:09 Apr 14 2012


I may stop by your cam again, if my computer permits it.

I think you'll get used to it. You didn't do bad for your first time.


22:37 Apr 14 2012

Would like to see/hear you this time too.


01:45 Apr 14 2012
Times Read: 749

So according to a gender trait test administered to me recently, I am psychologically androgynous, and in fact, in the near female range.

But honestly, given how much I dislike men, and as moody as I am, is anyone really surprised I'm a dyke? :)



01:50 Apr 14 2012

lol nice

01:55 Apr 14 2012


...I think I could possibly be closer to "male".

02:04 Apr 14 2012

Labels don' matter as long as you're a kickass person, good motives and not an axe murderer=)

02:22 Apr 14 2012

Indeed. But if the shoe fits ..oh god now I'm talking about shoes..

..and even as I write this I'm listening to Lady Gaga.

Case closed.

14:18 Apr 14 2012

Baby, you were born that way. So don't worry about the bad romances because you're on the edge of glory.


15:26 Apr 14 2012

I am my hair.


Now I lay me down to sleep..

23:07 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 766

The rain is about to roll in. I have a memory from when I was about twelve years old where I am laying on my grandmother's porch starting up at the sky. I can recall vividly how the air felt, somehow thick yet crisp in it's own way. The rain was warm and the clouds moved quickly across the sky, as if each were pulled by it's own horse-drawn chariot. The concrete was so warm, and I felt very safe in that moment. Just laying down, and marveling at the glory of the natural world. I want it all to be just that simple again sometimes, in that space between the lines that were drawn, where magic wasn't the exception, but the rule.



00:57 Apr 14 2012

There are times I sit back and things that are occurring in the present time make me remember experiences that I had forgotten and those make me feel... Alive in ways when sometimes I feel burdened and closed off.

Magic, through a kid's eyes is all the difference.

02:06 Apr 14 2012

Hint: When there's a storm, instead of refuge learn to dance in the rain=)


21:34 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 784

It's always strange to be outside of where you once were. One day you've got the back stage pass, and you are privy to, what you assume, are all the details. And then it happens: either through break down of communication or outside influence you are suddenly in a land you don't recognize and the one before you transforms. You hold on with everything you have, but sense that the tighter and longer you try to keep it all the same, try to have it all make sense, that you are resented for it. Shortly after, you begin to resent yourself. Jealously, anger, hopelessness, and despair are all you can feel, and then you can't feel anything at all. I remember it all very well. You are upside down in the water, and every question is just an opportunity to choke on your own failure. Do you remember the one who walked away with your soul? And in it's place, did you notice what grew?




03:29 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 827

Sometimes people send me ..well, odd things. About an hour ago, I was forwarded a link to a video by someone I've known for about a minute. The content of that video was a little revolting.

It starts with a man aiming a shotgun into a tree. This was apparently taken on a hunting trip of some sort. In this tree, you notice a black bear that has climbed high up onto one side of it. Quite far up, really. Honestly, I didn't know bears could climb that high.

Seconds later, the man fires the gun into the tree, hitting the bear. There was a loud yelping that came next, and though I assume it was from the bear, I could not tell whether or not it was coming instead from the hunting dogs. You can see then the bear attempting to climb, wounded, further up the tree. Another shot comes, and the bear tumbles down the side landing on the earth below.

At this point, it starts to become a little more disturbing. In addition to the redneck that fired the gun, an attractive blond with an athletic build is shown on screen cheering him on. The very next shot is of her being fucked from behind while laying on top of this dying bear. I'm pretty sure the sick bitch had an orgasm, and I know he did. This goes on, on camera at least, for a few minutes. True to what I would expect, the next shot - after the money shot that is, is of her standing at the back of a truck drinking whiskey straight from the bottle. She seemingly enjoyed this entire event quite a bit, as did the other four people who appear in that same frame.

I have no idea why people send me stupid shit like this, but I have to assume it is somehow the way the universe has planned to never let me forget how fucked the world is.

My question then is this: do you find it extreme that if I had been there witnessing this whole thing in person, my first impulse would have been to shoot each and every one of them in the head, and leave them there to rot? Is that too extreme a reaction, or would you have felt the same way ..maybe even considered doing the same thing?



03:35 Apr 12 2012

Wanting to shoot everysiingle one of those people is not extreme at all. At least, not in my eyes. I haven't even seen the video and that is my initial reaction to what you've detailed here. People are just.. There are no words sometimes. There really aren't.

03:35 Apr 12 2012

*every single.

04:25 Apr 12 2012

Redneck mating rituals. What sadistic sons of bitches.

I think that would be a natural first impulse if one was to witness something like that. Personal consequence and personal beliefs about the sanctity of life would stop most people from acting on it.

04:27 Apr 12 2012

Well I would not only enjoy either seeing them all be shot or shooting them myself.

04:38 Apr 12 2012

I would certainly stop them from the senseless hunting of the bear.

12:33 Apr 12 2012

My initial response would be "Are you f**king kidding me?". It's one thing to hunt for survival and food, but to hunt for the sheer factor of enjoying killing off something and then actually fornicating on the carcass is repulsive. I'm not sorry to say this, but I would prevent them from hunting that bear. Even if it meant bodily harm and/or death. Especially if their main goal was to just kill it and then have sex while the carcass of the animal is below them. THAT is disturbing and disgusting.

The level of disgust people bring to me never ceases to amaze me. There are some really twisted people out there. I mean, who in their right mind would consider a dying animal to be a turn on? Sure, the rush of a "kill" is one thing, but to just kill for the act of it alone is disturbing. This turned my stomach, and not many things do.

Your response is not, in any shape or form, too extreme. I doubt their act served anything more than self pleasure and an animal had to die for them to achieve it. That alone, deserves one hell of a beating for each individual involved.

14:39 Apr 12 2012

Wow, that is disturbing. Don't be fooled by smiles, they make great masks. If you shoot them dead it is just an easy way out for them. They know what they are. And I am sure their disgust in themselves is often hard to repress. So don't give them an easy way out. Let them feel the pain, disappointment, disgust, and perhaps Karma will take a turn and bring on additional punishment.

21:43 Apr 12 2012

Totally understandable reaction.

21:56 Apr 13 2012

I think I know what is going on here. You have an ignorant person reading your profile and coven material- thinking you are so dark and would dig such an evil thing. They really have no idea at all about your ethics. And they have no idea what your spiritual path means/is.

23:11 Apr 13 2012

Speaking as an actual redneck, my first response would be to take their rifle and beat them over the head with it until they couldn't move... then I'd invite the bear's family to come meet them. There is nothing sexy about that scene and the folks I know that do hunt, both men and women, do so for sport and for food, the deer and elk they kill are a big part of their food supply. Excess drinking while hunting is a good way to cull the surplus population, as Scrooge would put it.

I don't understand anyone thinking something like that would appeal to you, none of your writings or conversations make one think you're into cruelty to animals which is all that video is about to me.


23:50 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 845

In the course of writing the asexuality entry I've been speaking of, I've learned a few things about me that I wasn't really sure I knew before. Due to that, I'm a little uncomfortable, honestly. It's funny how the internal questions inspired by research can have that effect on a person.

I will definitely be releasing the entry on my new standalone blog elsewhere, but I'm really not sure it's contents are appropriate here. I don't know, I may change my mind and put it up here anyway. I do promise though, that those of you who earlier expressed interest in it will be directed to the article's location once posted.

In other news, I am finally all moved out of my old apartment. Now, I temporarily reside farther up town. My big move comes in roughly nine months, which really can't roll in soon enough. I despise this "wicked little town".




14:28 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 867

You see, this is the sort of person I am. I just sent a message and I can't take my mind off the fact that I replicated two words in the last two sentences of said message without realising it. It's not that the message didn't make sense, it's just that I'm so OCD that having sent a communication with such little variation truly bothers me. It's like having a eyelash stuck in the corner of my eye.



16:05 Apr 11 2012

You're not who I thought you were- I just can't accept these flaws.


02:29 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 895

Dear god, I just smashed myself - in the shoulder blade - with my own brass knuckles. Really. If that isn't talent, I'm not sure what is.

I'll be getting a Darwin award some day soon if this keeps up, I know it.



02:37 Apr 11 2012

I hope you taught yourself a lesson. :P

02:07 Apr 14 2012

am I allowed to laugh at this or no?

02:16 Apr 14 2012

You certainly are. I did.

09:47 Apr 23 2012

Fuck if I'm aloud or not I'm laughing anyway XD


01:58 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 906

The Coven is going well, at least on my end. I should probably let my Assistant know that at some point. I've actually been writing quite a lot in my own time but haven't bothered to upload anything. I need to get going on that or it'll just end up another one of those things I say I'll do. It's a habit I need to break.

I say Assistant, as Ephemeral is really the only one I ever see online - she's a good choice for the Assistant role, lot's of experience and all over a very cool person. If you get the chance, you should stop into her profile and give some honor where it's due. She was actually an Assistant in my Coven once before, and now has returned. I'm very pleased by that.

As for my other Assistant, she is very loaded down with school and work ..and well, she may or may not even be aware that I'm doing anything with the Coven anymore, so I should probably let her in on that.

I've actually had some pretty illustrious members in my Coven at various points. These people saw something good in it, and I must assume then, that it was real. In that, it's my responsibility to make an attempt to give it some life again. So, we'll see how it goes. For now though, I'm happy with the one other active person, and the rest of my house of wax.

I'd also like to say thank you to the people whom have popped up to speak with me again since I've returned. Imagesinwords, especially. Bouncing messages back and forth is the sort of nostalgia that I can handle. I will have to swing by your neck of the woods so we can have that beer in the pub you spoke to me about so long ago. I really do need to get down there anyway, as there are at least ten other people living in the area that I've promised to visit.

Visitations, yes. I have to go to California, New York, Louisiana, and Washington to visit just a few of the cool people on here. The reasons vary, but I am grateful that I've met so many wonderful people on this site over the years. I look forward to that continuing.




Asexual Minimalism

00:59 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 934

I have to say, Seshat's profile, is one of the better that I've seen on Vampire Rave. In a few short blurbs she manages to capture attention and provoke interest, which I think is a little inspiring. In all my long-winded rants, you would likely never guess that I'm actually a hardcore minimalist. But I digress. Mostly though, I have to say I get a big kick out of the asexuality comment. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have to start writing another entry about the topic of asexuality right now. You see, inspiration really is everywhere you look.



01:04 Apr 11 2012

I couldn't agree more. And to mention, Seshat is a pretty amazing gal to begin with. ♥

01:14 Apr 11 2012

She's one of my favorite people. It's not a wonder you found the same thing in her- and it wasn't through me. It's a sign, dude. We have a lot in common, when I am sure other people can't see it.


End of the row

23:01 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 948

The other day I rejected my last remaining friend in this town. It took 16 years of being stabbed in the back, but I finally did it. There was too much forgiveness going on there, and when forgiving your "friend" is a full time job, it's usually a good idea to quit.

So, this makes me completely friendless where I am. No one to see, no where to go, and I am completely all right with that. He was a relic of an old life that I am now seeking to throw the last portion of dirt over. Now I seek to build a home, not atop those bones, but somewhere new. I'm finally someone different, someone that I have hope for. Music, art, fun, possibilities; these were not features of this past life.

I'm preparing to make a rather large commitment in my life, that has been a result of all the socializing I've been doing in Chicago this past year. I don't know if I'm ready for it, but I do know that the only way to find out is to try. The things I'm waiting on that I'm telling myself will return to me if I only hold on long enough never will come home. And even if they did, the home they knew is gone, because the me they knew is gone.

These things, and at least one person, are sadly also part of that past I must release. But I'll be damned if I don't, despite my better judgement, still want to hold on tight to this gravestone called, what was.



00:18 Apr 11 2012

I know of a few places that fit that 'Music, art, fun, possibilities' description. Chicago fits- New Orleans fits :) But we do have extremely hot summers.

Keep on moving forward, my friend.

20:38 Apr 11 2012

This is a truly hard place to be. I can relate on so many levels as I watched everything I built here, crumble down. Yet my story is different, I will forge forward here into a new sphere with people who empower who I am to be, not those who take because I can and am willing to give.

21:32 Apr 11 2012

Endings aren't always a bad thing, sometimes they hail the start of something new.

Fare thee well in your new beginning :)


10:12 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 963

I just came back in from Chicago, and it's been a busy weekend. In addition to all else, I'm a member of the OTO, and my obligations as an officer in it's local body oblige me to travel quite a bit.

It's a pleasant experience overall, but the incense in the rituals never fails to make me feel like there is a train sitting on my chest the morning after.

I'm going to just go into the bedroom and die now. Thank you.



11:04 Apr 10 2012

I've been sick for a month with respiratory issues that have aggravated my asthma to the hilt. I can imagine the incense would have sent me to the ER at this point. Needless to say I haven't been to any major church celebrations lately.

Chicago is a great city, hope you were able to get out and do something beyond the OTO stuff.


04:43 Apr 04 2012
Times Read: 1,008

Between math homework and Kant, my brain is just numb. Honestly, if it weren't for the massive amount of prescription amphetamines the doctors are pushing at me, I'd never be able to keep up with school on top of a full time job.



04:54 Apr 04 2012

I only just read Groundwork for the first time a few months back. Kant was brilliant.

12:10 Apr 04 2012

Absolutely, Seshat :) I studied Kant in great detail in Seminary.


16:05 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 1,035

I think today I'll have a look at what new features I should add to Les Enfants. Surely, there is something that can be done there. For example, I could clarify which of the rules are valid and which are simply there to scare away the whelps with an allergy to work. Anyone who has seen it have any thoughts or suggestions?




08:29 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 1,054

Rightly, I consider my day an over all success. I got to chat it up with a beautiful woman, organized my apartment, exercised for 120 minutes, had three meals, and avoided all unhealthy preoccupations. It's a win.



10:34 Apr 02 2012

Damn... I know you aren't talking about me. Not because I assume I am beautiful or not- but because we didn't talk much.

Remember the old days when me, you, and Sahahria were the VR dream team (at least in my head)? If you're back here more regularly... I think we should recapture it.

16:09 Apr 02 2012

I do recall it, and I'm pretty sure we weren't the only ones that felt that way. I would enjoy revisiting those roots. :)

22:46 Apr 02 2012

Let's do it.


07:02 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 1,066

I should know better than to say anything in confidence. It really doesn't exist these days.



08:30 Apr 02 2012

And no, the comment isn't in regard to anyone on the site.


Flow of Consciousness ..No Results and No Paragraphs

17:44 Apr 01 2012
Times Read: 1,097

Attrition has always been routine for me. But my adherence to it, and the desire for the personal absolution that follows, are not dynamic. They require no focus and no force of will to sustain. There is no scriptural reminder needed here. Instead, the concept of being punished for my "sins" is something spun seamlessly into my being. It has always been that way as far as I can tell, and I believe it was born from the desires for perfection and approval. The parents of these children is what seems to be a need, and it's name is certainty. Therein is the proof of the impossibility of it all, as certainty about anything is wholly unattainable. And even if it were, could I reasonably measure the depth of my doubts? A man can only be as objective as his subjectivity allows, and we are all creatures of our senses. Is it possible that the layers never stop forming? Am I still, despite all else, that same fifteen year old kid I remember from not so very long ago? The one who slashed at himself, tortured his friends and family, and sustained a level of misery so profound that even he became lost in it, just so that he could feel something instead of nothing at all? Even then I lashed at my imperfections ferociously, and without regard for health, all in the name of murdering what I saw as my weaknesses. And where did that fool come from? Was I, at that age, merely an extended expression of that six year old boy, laying on the concrete floor of his bedroom in the ugly brown house on 30th street, holding his uncles empty pistol to his head and clicking, clicking, clicking with no appreciable result? If there was a emptiness born that stretched it's hand outward into my future, perhaps it's origin sits there. Or maybe not. It's entirely possible that none this can be traced or mapped in any logical way. I could be, that just as John Malkovich said of the mind, "..it doesn't work, Frank." In all of this though, the goal was apparently met. I was the center of my universe, and realize that I always have been. Hadit staring longingly at Nuit; this is the role I'd grown accustomed to. Falling in love with characters in my nighttime world only to wake to an empty room. My lazy solipsism had been challenged and disproven. What is left still, I feel, is the echoing voice of that little boy, shadowing every motion and reflective thought. Sensing an end to the story he says only this to me, "You did it all your own way, how does it feel, Matthew?" I need new dreams. In this day, my life is actually pretty good. I take care of myself, mind and body. I work and go to school, and am surrounded by those who apparently care for me. Things are on the upswing, and I'm generally happy. Maybe it's true that we are never really anything but what are in that exact moment. I don't pretend to get it anymore.



04:28 Apr 24 2012

I love it. free flowing thought is always beautiful when spoken with such eloquence and inner truth.



02:08 Apr 01 2012
Times Read: 753

Mother of God! Really?! The only unaffiliated members are the ones that I kicked out earlier today?!



02:22 Apr 01 2012

Most are in Limbus. Brria's coven.

02:30 Apr 01 2012

Yes, Birra created 'Limbus Patrum' to keep the free member section clean. The list used to have thousands and thousands of unwanted people (members that hadn't signed on in months or years)- now it can be easily navigated when there are available members. And he'll trade members to you if they are active and want to be in your society.

02:32 Apr 01 2012

Interesting. I'll have to look through his list. I can see the utility of such a place.

03:04 Apr 01 2012

It's brilliant. Clean, short and relevant. You don't have to drag through several thousand members.

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